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Contact and demo request2023-07-24T14:38:22+02:00

Contact us and Request a Demonstration

controlé qualite app tablette démonstration

Our team …

  • An expert in your issues

  • Reactive and supercharged

  • Attentive to your specific needs

… will get back to you as soon as possible.

“What makes our solutions unique is that they have been co-constructed with our customers.”

Momar Mbaye


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    Fields marked with an asterisk are mandatory and the data collected by Senef in order to respond to the data subject’s request will be processed in accordance with the customer and prospective customer personal data protection policy available here.

    The types of quality control we can help you manage

    Customer satisfaction2023-07-18T15:47:32+02:00

    Customer satisfaction surveys are tools used to gather customers’ opinions, perceptions and experiences of a specific product, service or company.

    They aim to assess the overall level of customer satisfaction, identify areas for improvement and gather feedback to guide corrective action.

    Inspection grids2023-07-18T15:47:46+02:00

    An inspection grid is a tool used to objectively evaluate and score different aspects, criteria or elements during an inspection or assessment. It takes the form of a table or list of specific items to be observed or assessed, with predefined criteria for each item.

    Inspection grids are commonly used in various fields, such as safety, quality, insurance, compliance, maintenance, property inspections, etc.

    Complaints and faults2023-07-18T15:48:00+02:00

    Complaints and anomalies monitoring consists of monitoring and taking appropriate action on reported problems, customer complaints or abnormal situations with the aim of resolving problems and preventing their recurrence.

    It is an essential process for ensuring customer satisfaction, product or service quality and effective problem management.

    Visit report2023-07-18T15:48:16+02:00

    Visit reports are documents that describe and summarise the details and observations of a visit to a specific location, be it a company, organisation, site, facility or event.

    They are used to record important information, highlights, findings and recommendations resulting from the visit. Visit reports can be used for a variety of purposes, such as internal communication, activity monitoring, decision-making, official reports, etc.

    Needs assessment2023-07-18T15:46:32+02:00

    Needs assessment is a process that aims to identify, understand and evaluate the needs of an individual, group or community in order to provide appropriate responses or solutions.

    It is often used in community development, social care, health, education and other sectors where there is a need to understand the specific demands and challenges faced by people.

    Risk assessment2023-07-18T15:48:27+02:00

    Risk assessment is the process of identifying, evaluating and measuring the potential risks to which an organization, project, system or activity may be exposed.

    It is essential for making informed decisions about risk management and developing appropriate risk mitigation strategies.

    suivi qualité digital

    They trust Qualimobi to monitor and manage their quality